

EGR offer a wide range of services including tactical training, protection and security management. With years of real-world experience between our contractors we commit to bringing only the highest level of expertise. We believe in not only serving our clients but also sharing our knowledge with them so they can develop key skills and implement them in their lives.

Tactical training

Tactical training isn't just drills with a weapon but also includes any action used to gain a specific tactical advantage. Everything you do should be smooth, fault free and second nature.

We offer a wide range of tactical training courses and knowledge transfer from years of experience in the military and numerous combat deployments. Our goal is to develop courses and use real world experience to leave the end-users with superior skills and confidence to go into any environment friendly or hostile and OWN IT!

Courses include:

Security services

From years of military experience and combat deployments we are in a position to cater to a wide variety of clients in a wide variety of locations be that friendly or hostile.  We pride ourselves in having successfully operated in some of the world's most dangerous countries and bring with us priceless experience to take on any client or contract.

We don't for one minute portray that you will be 100% free from danger or threat but we will stand between you and that threat and defend you. 

Our mission is to protect the lives and assets of our clients in war zones, areas deemed dangerous by the UK foreign office and in friendly countries too.

 We offer:

  • Executive protection/Hostile environment close protection
  • Door supervision
  • Residential security
  • CCTV installation
  • Security management

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